Month: September 2009

  • Lesson of the Day: “Brick” is NOT an Insult

    Daizenshuu EX has been around in some capacity (whether it was named that or not!) since January 1998. Yeah, in internet years, we’ve been around for eons. Once it began to receive any kind of traffic and notoriety, you can reasonably assume that we started to receive the kind of both loyalist- and oppositional-styled comments…

  • More DBZ Fan Entitlement Issues

    I just threw out a quick tweet about this, but I wanted to share a little more detail about the situation. Since about July 12th, we have known that the upcoming PS3/360 game DragonBall: Raging Blast will have a new vocal theme song performed by Hironobu Kageyama called “Progression“. Listings for a CD single of…

  • Shocking Realization About DBZ Questions We Get Asked

    I feel incredibly stupid. It just dawned on me. We get tons of questions from people asking something along the lines of, “What was said in the Japanese version where/when [insert event here]…?” Sometimes they will phrase it just like that, but other times it will be preceded by, “I was watching my orange bricks…”…

  • Horrifying Castlevania Enemies

    Over the weekend I decided to load up my download of Castlevania Chronicles on the PS3. I have always been a very casual player of the series (and all pre-Symphony of the Night), and while I love it to death, I am absolutely terrible at it. I rarely get beyond the second stage in the…

  • The Sega Channel “Primal Rage” Contest

    I’ve spoken on the podcast and blog before about the Sega Channel. When I was in middle school living up Maine, our local cable provider offered the service… which I jumped all over. Long before PSN and Xbox Live, long before great collections of demos packed in with gaming magazines, and long before emulators let…

  • Apple’s Smug, Egotistical, and Misleading Self-Proclaimed Jump to Gaming Market Leader

    It feels like we could go on endlessly about 9/9/09. It was the tenth anniversary of the Dreamcast, the tenth anniversary of Final Fantasy VIII, Harmonix’s The Beatles: Rock Band came out, and… Apple randomly decided that it’s the market leader in handheld gaming. Apple held a press event on that date announcing new developments…

  • Final Fantasy VIII: The OTHER 9/9/09 Ten Year Anniversary

    While the Sega Dreamcast‘s launch on 9/9/99 was a major event in North American entertainment history (and was the sole subject of episode eight of our podcast), there was another big item that came out that day. It came approximately two years after its predecessor, which itself opened up the North American gaming market in…

  • Conversation 008: Sega Dreamcast 10 Year Anniversary

    Can you believe it’s been ten years? Neither can we. Marking the system’s tenth anniversary, we are all incredibly happy to bring you a new podcast episode looking back on the little system that could… well, it couldn’t in the end, but it sure did its best. We will probably be busy playing The Beatles:…

  • Tara’s Crazy Howling

    Time for another crazy cat story. So our little cat, Tara, has this fuzzy red/white ball toy that she loves. She likes to fling it around through the air and go chasing after it. She has even become slightly dog-like and will play fetch to some degree, depending on how lazy she is about bringing…

  • Dreamcast Episode Coming Soon!

    Everyone else will be doing that same thing, but that’s OK… we don’t aim to be different; we aim to be us. We will be recording our next podcast episode (yeah, fancy that!) this coming Saturday evening. We might even broadcast it live on Stickam! Stay tuned to my personal Twitter for details, but in…