Month: July 2008

  • Episode 2 On Its Way

    Hey, everyone. Just a little status update for ya’… We recorded episode two of the show over the weekend, and it is indeed in the editing stages. It should clock in at just under two hours. Personally, I think we had a pretty amazing discussion regarding backwards compatibility, and I even came around to a…

  • No more convenience store arcade machines

    “Where’d you learn to shoot like that…?” “7-11.” It recently occurred to me how the above joke would make little-to-no-sense to the vast majority of today’s younger gamers. Sure, it’s halfway explained to the viewer in the previous movie, but even still… I guess they could process the statement as meaning that there are lots…

  • E3 Press Conferences: 5 Questions

    So yesterday and today were the press conferences / media summits / whatever they are for Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony (in that order). As to be expected, I followed along with all the live-blogging, checked out the audio/video feeds later on, and read as much as I could possibly read. After having a little bit…

  • Random DBZ Image: #001

    I’ll probably do this from time to time… mostly because it amuses me. And that’s really all that matters in this world. Caption, anyone?

  • When a man can’t even spend his Virtual Space Money, all he can do is blog.

    Wow! Thanks for the overwhelmingly positive response to the first episode of our podcast, everyone! That really makes me look even more forward to recording and releasing the second episode. Until then, look forward to some regular blog postings (kinda like this one), and maybe even a couple other special things here and there. Speaking…

  • Conversation 001: Introductions & Our Mutual Top 10 Games

    We have finally done it! The first episode of our podcast is available for download! While we apologize in advance for some of the IE-only display problems, we simply could not wait on debuting the show any longer. Some random pages may also be found in a state of near-completion. Myself, Jeff, and Andrew have…