Tag: storage space

  • Now the 360’s Fridge is Full

    (Has it really been five months since the last blog post? Holy crap. Time flies when you’re having fun.) One of the reasons I wanted to pick up an Xbox 360 was, believe it or not, how great of a service Xbox Live seemed to be. In addition to the integrated friends list and all…

  • Nintendo’s 2008-2009 Updates

    Well, we’ve got a new Nintendo DS on the way (along with a few other things). There has already been a bunch of discussion about the whole thingie-ma-bob, despite the press event only happening within the last 24 hours (as of this writing, Nintendo has yet to hold their US press event). However, there are…

  • Cleaning out the fridge, I’m a geek and an otaku, blah blah blah…

    So today, Ys I & II came out on the Virtual Console. I’ve always wanted to check out this series, and never bothered to do so (either through emulation, or actually picking up a damn TG-16 / PC Engine). I said to myself, “Self, when you get home from work, download that shiz!” If only…

  • When a man can’t even spend his Virtual Space Money, all he can do is blog.

    Wow! Thanks for the overwhelmingly positive response to the first episode of our podcast, everyone! That really makes me look even more forward to recording and releasing the second episode. Until then, look forward to some regular blog postings (kinda like this one), and maybe even a couple other special things here and there. Speaking…