Tag: internet culture

  • Lack Of (Modern) Literacy On YouTube

    The title should come as absolutely no surprise, but I’ve rofled enough to myself in the last couple of minutes that I figured I would share these with you. No, this is not a follow-up to my viewpoints on my own feedback/responses/criticism on YouTube, so don’t worry that I’m bombarding you with more of that…

  • More Reflections On… Well… People (And Being Online)

    A review of recent comments on the Daizenshuu EX YouTube channel and playing some Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 on Xbox Live last night reminded me just how jaw-droppingly incomprehensible people can be online. I have come across a couple good bits o’ reading over the last couple days that somewhat tie in with this subject,…

  • I don’t know what to title this. “E-mail and parents”…?

    So for the last many years, I occasionally receive spam specifically geared towards a car enthusiast. Nothing strange here, but keep reading. Let it be known that my dad owned a Corvette for a while, and thought he was the super-awesome car guy. He got rid of it a few years ago, mostly because he…