Tag: meta

  • My Podcasting Setup ~2011ver.~

    My Podcasting Setup ~2011ver.~

    Having done a first version and then a ~2010ver.~ a year later, after upgrading a few things, it made sense to follow-up with a… (wait for it)… ~2011ver.~ post. So how ’bout them podcasts, huh? When we last checked in on the setup, I was considering cleaning out one of the extra rooms in our…

  • My Podcasting Setup ~2010ver.~

    It has been over a year since I last wrote about and shared how the magic of podcasting goes down at Casa de EX. A lot has changed since then, but I just have not gotten around to writing up a new version. Our buddies over at the Unofficial One Piece Podcast asked the other…

  • “Rocket Knight Adventures”: Genius Level Design?

    You are going to get a little bit of meta-material and genuine game analysis in a single post. That is awesome. A few years back when I first pitched the idea of “vgconvos” to Andrew and Jeff, one of the first show concepts was to give the other person a somewhat-obscure game from your youth…

  • Podcast Episode Coming – Your Thoughts Are Requested!

    I certainly do not claim to be a podcasting expert by any stretch of the imagination. Even after doing this for a bit over four years now, I still run into random tech problems and sound quality issues that I can not always perfectly troubleshoot, though I do the best I can. The spontaneously-combusting XLR…

  • More DBZ Fan Entitlement Issues

    I just threw out a quick tweet about this, but I wanted to share a little more detail about the situation. Since about July 12th, we have known that the upcoming PS3/360 game DragonBall: Raging Blast will have a new vocal theme song performed by Hironobu Kageyama called “Progression“. Listings for a CD single of…

  • We’re In The Movies

    I’m pretty sure that on episode seven of the podcast we mentioned playing You’re In The Movies on the Xbox 360. It took me forever to re-borrow the game (and then its camera, because you can’t even get to the main menu without it) from Andrew, but I have finally exported and uploaded our masterpiece.…

  • Thoughts On Donations?

    This is a subject I am heavily conflicted on. Ever since the dawn of Daizenshuu EX (and VegettoEX’s Home Page and Ultimate DBZ Links Page before them), I have done anything and everything in my power to keep things as “real” and “transparent” as I can with the site. I have never asked the community…

  • Website, Podcast, & Future Plans

    I would feel guilty about writing a non-content post like this if I hadn’t just written a pretty decent one yesterday… ^_~. I definitely wanted to get some thoughts out there, because I believe it is extremely important to be transparent and open with how projects are going. If you are here and reading, you…