Month: January 2009

  • The Death of EGM, and More-Or-Less Death of 1UP

    I was going to write an entry today linking over to my personal blog where I reviewed the first volume of The Legend of Zelda manga released by Viz, or I was going to talk about how I finally sat down and played a little over an hour of the first Halo last night (and…

  • Full-Text RSS Feed

    I’ve made a couple changes in the coding of the blog, and you should be able to subscribe to the feed and get full-text entries showing up in your RSS reader (like Google Reader) rather than just the summary. The feed URL that should should be using (and is now linked throughout) is: By…

  • “The Legend of Zelda” Manga Review

    I decided to start up a new category of postings over here on WTF EX. It makes sense to review things on blogs, so that is exactly what I will do! I can’t promise just how often I’ll actually review anything, but since this struck my fancy, I’ll just go for it. As you may…

  • My Podcasting Setup

    My buddy Kevin has asked me a couple things about my podcasting equipment lately, so I decided it would be helpful to a few people if I just put it all out there. In the end though, I don’t know how “helpful” it will be, since anyone with more experience than me will see my…